Frequently asked questions

How much time in advance do I get to the airport? - Montreal­Trudeau recommends that passengers on international flights arrive at the airport at least three hours before the scheduled departure time (check with your airline). Be especially punctual during peak traffic hours (between 4:00 am to 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm) and during periods of high peak (holiday periods, school holidays, etc.).
Can I reserve a special meal on board? - Most airlines accommodate passengers who reserve in advance. Most carriers can serve you vegetarian meals or special meals for those with food allergies. Contact your travel agent to make the request.
What are the OPC fees? - This is the 0.20% tax ($ 2.00 per $ 1000) that adds to the purchase of any travel product. This fee is mandatory and contributes to the compensation fund of the Office de la protection du consommateur.
What forms of payment are accepted? - We accept cash, debit card, credit card and check.
Do I have to confirm my flight before the departure? - Yes. You must call the airport of departure to confirm your flight is on time, or visit the website of the airport. You can also contact the airline directly or your travel agency.
Can I use a Certificate of Canadian Citizenship instead of a Canadian passport to travel abroad? - No. The Canadian passport is the only travel document and the only reliable and universally accepted identification document for international travel.
